Did you know that water is an overlooked nutrient?
Benefits of Water in the Body
Helps regulate body temperature
Boosts immune system
Builds protection for joints & mobility
Contributes to weight loss
Aids in the transportation of nutrients through the body
Helps flush out the body's waste products
What is dehydration?
When the body is not absorbing enough water or fluids compared to what is being lost through sweat
Symptoms: fatigue, ​pale skin, dark urine and loss of appetite
The more intense the physical activity, the more water the body will need
How much water should you drink per day?
8 cups a day is the minimum amount of water recommended daily
Men should drink about 15 cups
Women should drink 11 cups
Water intake can also come from foods such as fruits and vegetables
Easy ways to incorporate water into your daily routine
Water Infusion
add fruit or leaves in water to soak overnight
Lemon works great!
Set a challenge to drink a certain amount of water by a certain time during the day
Draw lines on your water bottle & write the times that you need to drink each section by
Ex. by 9am drink to the amount at the first line